Celebrity occupation rings – are you a hostage to celebrity trends?

Celebrity occupation rings – are you a hostage to celebrity trends?

Whether we like to admit it or not, the current trend for “bigger is better”, . when it refers to the diamond .. rings worn by is having an contact on what we are buying

Celebrity engagement rings – are you a slave to celebrity trends?

Celebrity occupation rings – are you a hostage to celebrity trends?

Whether we like to admit it or not, the present trend for “bigger is better”, particularly when it refers to the diamond job rings worn by celebrities, is having an collision on what we are buying.According to Celeste Ohrens, from New York Diamond Traders, “In the six months sequential JLo’s task to Ben Affleck, we sold additional pink diamonds than we’d sold in the previous six years!”And despite the reality that THAT job sphere has been replaced with another equally stunning jewel, copies of JLo’s six-carat pink diamond are inert selling well at many Internet jewelers.When Marilyn Monroe breathlessly purred “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend” (as if we didn’t already know!), I hold no suspect women everywhere secretly coveted the baubles Ms Monroe wore, but such flamboyant displays of excess would posses offended the sensibilities of any self-respecting 1950s homemakerNot so nowadays We’ve come to expect the ultimate in superiority and quantity, and if that equates to wearing a 3-carat diamond round corresponding to that worn by our favorite celebrity, supplementary power to us!Whether celebrities are pragmatic as the arbiters or slaves to all that is considered stylish, the assignment rings gracing the left hand of such stars as Catherine Zeta-Jones, Madonna and Ashley Judd attest to the detail that their option of circle figure is influencing (or is influenced by) voguish trends.Jewelers like David Feinstein from Feinstein & Co, Boston, talk “The hottest look in engagement rings at the moment is the revival of antique dent diamonds and we are trying desperately to meet demand”, making Catherine Zeta-Jones’s antique-style 10-carat marquise-cut diamond ring, Madonna’s 3-stone Edwardian-style orb and Ashley Judd’s antique pave-set diamond circle hot favorites when it comes to replicationThe size of the diamond is furthermore influencing latest styles, and according to the Diamond Information Center, the traditional one carat pearl diamond job ring has now grown to three and four carats One only had to onlooker the jaw dropping express of gems at this year’s Oscars – some $40 million worth – to reinforce the conviction that in the minds of most celebrities “bigger is better” Never nature that their cherished booty had to be shared to the vaults from whence they came successive morningBut our ever-increasing fascination with all things “bling” begs the issue “What about the poor sucker who has to PAY for this excess?” The traditional measurement for any would-be suitor to determine how much he should be sensitive to allowance with for the task ball was arbitrarily jell at three months’s salary, which is fine if he’s earning a antiseptic six-figure salary. But try telling Joe Schmo, whose monthly distribute doesn’t increase much beyond the local Thai take-out, that he’s up for what could be many thousands of dollars, and you’ll see his frontage (not to adduce his wallet) crumble.Which brings me to my second dot The value of your duty orb is not aptly measured in money terms nor is it measured by whether your first friend’s diamond is bigger, or whiter, or other extravagant. And it’s unquestionably not measured by whether it looks reasonable like JLo’s most former finery (and I mean the ring, not the husband!)Your chore orb is a throb of the value of your relationship and what it manner to both of you, now and in the future It’s a character of all that the two of you share, whether you’re wearing a 2-carat rock or a dime-store copyJust remember, your local jeweler is probably a whiz at re-modelling, so you can always upgrade later! .

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